To use Cylance steps in Torq workflows, you must create a Torq app in Cylance with the requisite permissions. The application generates an application ID and application secret. You'll save both of these in Torq and pass them to generate a bearer token to start a session in Cylance. The bearer token is then passed to authenticate the Cylance steps in the workflow.
Create a Torq App in Cylance
Only administrators can create an application integration in Cylance.
Log in to your Cylance console as an administrator.
Select Settings > Integrations.
Click Add Application.
In the Application Name field, type a meaningful application name, such as Torq App.
Select the access privileges for the actions you want to be able to take from Torq workflows.
Click Save.
Copy the Application ID and Application Secret. You'll need these later in Torq.
Create a Cyclance Steps Integration in Torq
Go to Build > Integrations > Steps > Blackberry Cylance and click Add.
Give the integration a unique and meaningful name.
In the service endpoint enter
In the Cylance Application field, enter the application secret copied earlier.
In the Cylance Tenant ID field, enter the ID of your cylance tenant.
In the Cylance Application ID field, enter the application ID copied earlier.
Click Add.
Premade Steps
These are the premade steps for Cylance. Don't see the step you need? No problem, you can easily create custom steps.
Generate a bearer token
Get device details by hostname
Get device details by ID
Get device details by MAC address
Get policy details by ID
List devices
List policies
Update a device