Wiz is a cloud security company that provides a platform for identifying and addressing security risks in cloud environments.
To create Wiz integrations in Torq, you need some of the following permissions in Wiz:
Project Admin
Global Contributor
Global Admin
Create a Wiz Trigger in Torq
Go to Build > Integrations > Steps > Wiz and click Add.
Give the integration a unique and meaningful name. This cannot be changed later.
There are two available options for the Authentication headers. Use Bearer Authentication (a) or Basic Authentication (b).
Bearer Authorization (recommended):
Name the header Authorization.
Give the value as:
Bearer <bearer_token_value>
Example: Bearer token authentication using "abc12345" as the token for authorization would be
Bearer abc12345
Basic Authentication:
Name the header Authorization
Give the value as:
Basic <base64_value_of_username:password>
For example, the Base64 value to use for a user name user@example.com with the password of abc123 would be the following: dXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTphYmMxMjM=
This can be easily generated from the Torq step Encode base6.
Click Add.
From the integration table, copy the URL you created.
Create a Torq Integration in Wiz
In Wiz go to Settings > Integrations > Add new integration.
Search for Torq in the search bar.
Give the integration a unique and meaningful name.
Select the scopes you want the integration to have.
Paste the URL from Torq you created earlier.
Under Parameters > Authentication, select Token authentication and paste the secret you created in step 3 of the Torq trigger creation.
Click Add Integration to save the integration in Wiz.
Create an Automation Action in Wiz to Send Issues to Torq
In Wiz, go to the Settings > Response and Automation > Actions page, then click Add Action.
Give the new Action a unique and meaningful name.
From the Action drop-down, select Integrate with Torq.
Set the scope of the new Action to either:
All projects
A selected project
(Optional) Restrict the new Action to only Global Contributor and Global Admins
(Optional) Restrict the Action to users with the Global Contributor and Global Admin roles.
For the URL, paste the URL you made in Torq.
You can modify the fields in the body request based on the workflow you want to build with Torq. See the list of supported template variables.
Click Add Action.
Create an Automation Rule
Automation Rules trigger Automation Actions. After you've added the Action to send Issues to Torq, you must create a Rule that triggers it. See the page on Automation Rules in the Wiz documentation.
Create a Service Account
To interact with the Wiz API from Torq workflows, you must create a service account, which will allow you to create the required API token, Client ID, and Client Secret. You'll need these when you create the Wiz steps integration in Torq.
For more information, see the Wiz API documentation.
Create a Wiz Steps Integration in Torq
Go to Build > Integrations> Steps > Wiz and click Add.
Type a meaningful name for the integration. This cannot be changed later.
Enter the values for the following fields. You copied and saved these earlier.
Wiz Client ID
Wiz Client Secret
Wiz Region
Click Add.
Premade Steps
These are the premade steps for OpenAI. Don't see the step you need? No problem; you can easily create a custom step.
Add note to issue
Create inventory report
Create issues report
Create session
Create vulnerabilities
Get issue information
List issues
List vulnerability findings
Run GraphQL query
Set issue status