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Check Point SmartTasks Notification to Slack - Workflow Template
Check Point SmartTasks Notification to Slack - Workflow Template

Notification to Slack on status of a policy install or session details of additions, modification, or deletions when a session is published.

Updated over 10 months ago

This workflow template notifies a designated Slack channel of Check Point SmartTask events related to policy installations or session publications. When a policy is installed, the workflow gathers details such as the policy name and status. Upon a successful policy install, it triggers a Slack message. Conversely, if an error occurs, a message detailing the error is sent. In the case of a session being published, a Slack message is dispatched that contains a count of the objects added, modified, or deleted. This automation enhances network security alert and remediation processes, facilitating immediate communication and transparency for security teams.



Use Cases

Remediate Network Security Alerts , Security Bots

Workflow Breakdown

  1. Receive a webhook from a Check Point SmartTask on Policy Install or when a session is published

  2. If policy install, gather the gateways data including policy name and status

  3. If policy install was successful send a Slack message, if an error occured send message and snippet with error details

  4. If a session was published, send a Slack message with count of objects added, modified, or deleted


Slack, Utils

Workflow Output

Message to the Slack channel on details of the SmartTask that was triggered.


See the example bash script used to send the webhook to Torq from the Check Point script repository

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