This workflow template responds to AWS SNS events triggered by the addition of a specific Key:Value tag to an EC2 instance, implementing isolation measures for enhanced security. Upon event detection, the workflow obtains instance details, checks for the presence of an Isolation Security Group within the VPC, and creates one if needed. Then, it applies the security group to the instance, disassociates any existing IAM Instance Profile, and associates a predefined Isolation IAM Instance Profile. This automated process is essential for Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM).
Amazon SNS
Use Cases
Workflow Breakdown
Receive an event from AWS SNS based on a specific Key:Value tag
Get Instance Details and find the VPC
Check if an Isolation Security Group exists, if not create a new Security Group
Apply the Isolation Security Group on the instance
Check for an IAM Instance Profile on the Instance, if one exists disassociate it
Apply an Isolation IAM Instance Profile on the instance
AWS, Utils
Workflow Output
Isolate the EC2 Instance
Setup the SNS event using the EventBridge rule to send events on addition of specific tags to EC2 Instances