Leverage AI Complete to automatically populate specific step parameters, speeding up and streamlining workflow creation. AI Complete aids in workflow building, script writing, and properly filling out parameters for data manipulation or CLI. Use it to aid your own scripting or entirely on its own.
AI Complete is currently available in the following categories of steps:
CLI steps: AWS CLI, GCloud CLI, Azure CLI
Scripting steps: Python, Bash, Powershell
Data manipulation steps: JQ, RegEx
If you do not see the AI Complete feature, it may be because your organization opted out of Torq AI features. Contact Torq support if you have not opted out and still do not see the feature.
Use AI Complete
Enter a natural language description of the desired action (e.g., AWS list running workspaces) in the Generate with AI input field.
Click AI Complete to automatically generate and autofill the parameters.
To regenerate parameters, click the AI icon again.
If the result isn’t accurate, refine your action description and regenerate the parameters.