This workflow template facilitates quick identity and access management within an organization by allowing users to verify a user's group membership in Okta through a Slack command. When a Slack command is issued, the workflow checks Okta for the specified user's details and assigned groups. If a specific group is mentioned in the Slack command, the workflow will verify membership in that group. Finally, it responds to the Slack user with the appropriate group membership status of the queried user. This automates and centralizes group membership checks, enhancing productivity and security governance.
Slack Slash Commands
Optional Triggers
Webhook,"Microsoft Teams"
Use Cases
Identity and Access Management
Workflow Breakdown
Receive an event via a Slack command to run the workflow
Check for the user in Okta, and if found retrieve the users assigned groups
If a group was provided in the Slack command, check if there is a matching group
Send a message back to the originating Slack user on the group membership information of the user
Slack, Utils, Okta
Workflow Output
Slack command on the users group membership
Update the first workflow variable step to the integrations for your tenant","Execute the command via Slack with the \"\\torq run\" command