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Case Reviewer: Ensure Investigation Quality in Torq's HyperSOC
Case Reviewer: Ensure Investigation Quality in Torq's HyperSOC

Ensure quality and compliance by assigning reviewers to approve or reject case investigations before taking further action.

Updated over 2 months ago

Establish a case review process to ensure quality, compliance, and adherence to investigation protocols before taking further actions such as resolution, escalation, or stakeholder updates.

With Torq's HyperSOC, you can assign case reviewers who can approve or reject case investigations, fostering transparency and accountability in decision-making.

To assign reviewers to cases, first enable the Case review option in the Cases settings page.

Submit for Review

The review process is fully customizable—your team can define when and how to assign reviewers.

  1. Indicate a Case Needs Review: You can assign a reviewer at any investigation stage. For example, you can create a custom Pending review state and move cases to it, allowing reviewers to pick them up as needed.

  2. Assign a Reviewer: Click the assignee icon and choose a reviewer from the Reviewer dropdown.

    • The reviewer icon will appear next to the assignee icon.

    • Any analyst can pick up and review a case, whether assigned or not, ensuring flexibility.

Conduct the Review

The case timeline logs all review-related actions, including assigning a reviewer, the reviewer activity, and the final review conclusion.

  1. Review Case Details: Reviewers have full access to case details and can perform any necessary actions to amend the case. There are no restrictions on reviewers viewing, modifying, or updating the case data.

  2. Conclude the Review: Click Review Conclusion under the case title to select the verdict. Optionally, add a note for additional context.

    • The default review conclusion labels, Approved and Rejected, can be customized in the Cases settings page.

  3. Review Status: Once the review is concluded, the case will display a clear UI indication showing the review verdict.

Track Reviews

When the case review functionality is enabled for the workspace, use these filters to track the review process. The filters are available at the top of the Cases page:

  • Reviewer: View cases assigned to specific reviewers or those still unassigned.

  • Review conclusion: Filter cases by the review verdict or those pending a decision.

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