This workflow template guides the process of managing group membership requests for new users in JumpCloud. It begins when an event is received about a new user, identifies the user's department, and checks against a predefined list of department approvers. The identified approver is then asked via Slack for permission to add the new user to the necessary JumpCloud groups. The user is added once approval is confirmed, or an informative message is sent if the request is denied or times out.
Optional Triggers
Slack,"Microsoft Teams"
Use Cases
Identity and Access Management
Workflow Breakdown
Receive an event from a newly created user or as a nested workflow.
Match the users department to the list of department approvers and groups
Ask the approver(s) to add the user to the JumpCloud groups
If approved, add the users to the specific groups assigned in the department mapping
If not approved, send a update message
Slack, Utils, JumpCloud
Workflow Output
Approval cycle via Slack for the new user
Modify the first \"set workflow variables\" step to match your settings","Modify the \"Department Group Approvers Map\" to the relevant departments, groups and approvers