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Creating Custom Dashboards and Widgets: Targeted Monitoring with Torq
Creating Custom Dashboards and Widgets: Targeted Monitoring with Torq

Create custom dashboards and widgets to efficiently track, analyze, and visualize your data.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Torq Reporting empowers you to visualize and monitor data critical to your organization. With the flexibility to build dashboards from scratch or customize existing templates, you can design reports tailored to your specific needs, delivering comprehensive and actionable insights.

To create and edit dashboards, your role must include the dashboard.write scope. Learn more about roles and scopes related to dashboards.

Creating Custom Dashboards

  1. Access the Reporting Page: Navigate to Monitor > Reporting to view all dashboards available for your workspace and create new ones.

  2. Create a New Dashboard: Click the + icon next to the existing dashboard tabs.

    • Give the dashboard a clear name and description to convey its purpose and insights.

    • Select an option to get started:

      • Start from Scratch: Begin by designing a custom widget (see next step).

      • Use Template: Quickly create a dashboard using a suggested template.

  3. Customize Widgets: Add, edit, and delete widgets to populate your dashboard with the desired data visualizations. See Creating Custom Widgets below to learn more.

    1. To create a new widget, click Add New Widget.

    2. To edit an existing widget, click Edit widget in the top-right corner of the widget.

  4. Arrange the Dashboard Layout: Once you’ve added all the desired widgets to your dashboard, customize the layout by resizing and rearranging the widgets to fit your preferred view. Adjust a widget's size by dragging its bottom-right corner.

  5. Save Your Dashboard: Once your dashboard is complete, click Save to make it accessible to other users.

  6. Create Multiple Dashboards: Design dashboards tailored to specific needs and insights. If you have more dashboards than can be displayed at once, use the navigation arrows to browse through them.

  7. Edit Dashboard: To edit an existing dashboard, select Edit Dashboard in the top-right corner.

    • Make any necessary changes, then click Save to apply them for all viewers. Use Cancel to discard changes.

Reporting guardrails can be found in our dedicated guardrails article.

Creating Custom Widgets

Widgets are the foundation of your custom dashboards, enabling effective data visualization. Create and edit widgets to align with specific queries, datasets, and visualization methods, ensuring the displayed data is tailored to your needs.

Examples of widget creation are available below.

To create a custom widget, follow these steps:

  1. Initiate Widget Creation: Click Add New Widget or select Edit Widget in the top-right corner of an existing widget to open the widget customization wizard.

    • To edit a widget, ensure the dashboard is in edit mode.

  2. Define the Measure: Specify the metric the widget will track.

    • All cases: Select the cases to include in the widget's metric.

      • By default, all cases are included, but you can apply filters—similar to those on the Cases page—to narrow the focus to specific cases. For example, you might filter by severity, category, or assignee.

      • The real-time preview shows how many cases match your selected criteria.

    • Case property changes: Monitor specific changes to case properties (coming soon).

  3. Select Dimensions: Specify one or two case properties to define the widget dimensions and shape the chart view.

  4. Set the Time Range: By default, the widget displays cases open in the past 7 days. Adjust this period as needed and specify whether to include cases that were created, closed, or actively in the open state at any point during the selected timeframe.

    • If disabled, the time range specified in the dashboard filter will be applied.

  5. Choose a Chart Type: If applicable, select the best visualization style for the data to ensure clarity and impact.

    • For widgets with two dimensions, swap bar and stacked views by reordering the dimensions—simply drag one over the other.

  6. Set Threshold (Optional): For single-value numeric widgets, set value ranges to automatically adjust the widget's color—green, orange, or red. This makes it easy to assess the status at a glance (see example).

    • This option applies only to single-value numeric widgets.

  7. Preview in Real-Time: Use the real-time preview to confirm that the data displays as expected. Adjust any settings as necessary.

  8. Add a Title and Description: Give the widget a meaningful title and description to clearly convey its purpose.

  9. Save the Widget: Click Create to save the widget settings and add it to the dashboard.

  10. Create Additional Widgets: Add more widgets as needed. When finished, return to step 4 in Creating Custom Dashboards to continue building your dashboard.

Dashboard Controls and Options

These options are available at the top of the dashboard:

  1. All Workspaces View: Use the toggle in the top-left corner to choose between analyzing cases in the current workspace or across all your workspaces.

  2. Apply filters: Use the filters to narrow down the cases evaluated across all dashboard widgets. These filters match those used on the Cases page.

    • Filters specified within individual widgets override the dashboard filters.

  3. Page options:

    1. Dashboard details: View and edit the dashboard's name and description, and view details about the creator and creation date.

    2. Duplicate dashboard: Create a copy of the current dashboard to use as a starting point for modifications.

    3. Delete dashboard: Permanently remove the dashboard.

    4. Widgets: Hide specific widgets from the dashboard, with the option to unhide them later.

    5. View Type - Regular/TV Mode: For larger displays, switch to TV mode for a streamlined, widget-focused view with automatic updates every minute.

  4. Download as PDF: Save the entire dashboard in PDF format for easy sharing or offline use.

  5. Last Updated: View the timestamp of the most recent data update to ensure the information is current. Refresh to update the data.

Dashboard Viewer and Builder Roles and Scopes

The table below outlines roles, scopes, and permissions for dashboards.

Role Type



Roles with Permission


View dashboards.

Creator, Contributor, Owner, Cases Viewer, Cases Analyst, Workspace Viewer, Cases Contributor.



Create and edit dashboards and widgets.

Owner, Cases Contributor.

Read more about Torq roles and scopes.

Widget Examples

These are examples of queries you can create widgets for.

Cases by Severity and Category

Track incident count by category and severity to identify high-risk areas, analyze trends, and prioritize actions effectively.

Quarterly Cases by Category

Generate a quarterly report to assess SOC activity and gain insights into the team's key focus areas during the period.

Per Analyst: SLA Breached by Severity

Create dashboards featuring per-analyst widgets to help analysts prioritize tasks effectively and address the most urgent issues first.

Operational Dashboard: SLA Approaching or Breached by Analyst

Create a dashboard to track and maintain SLA compliance during SOC shifts. Add widgets to display the number of cases per analyst that are nearing or have breached their SLA.

  • Set color-coded thresholds—green, orange, and red—for instant status visibility, allowing quick assessment and immediate action on priorities.

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